
To contribute to your success, by partnering with you to enhance your project management capabilities, and to create innovative solutions to your project management challenges.
“Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.”
Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
Guiding Principles
No one person has all the answers. To be successful we need to combine our knowledge and experiences. Working as part of team should be an enjoyable and educational part of life.
Personal initiative, inquiries, and new ideas are encouraged. We must innovate to solve our clients’ challenges, and to find ways to win new business.
In a world full of consultants, we must differentiate ourselves by the quality of our work. Every deliverable and client communication should be viewed as an opportunity to impress the client with the quality and accuracy of our work. Continuous quality improvement is the only way to stay in business.
All communications, whether informal or formal, internal or external, must be open, considered, and respectful. We should communicate often and freely, to ensure everyone is informed, and part of the project management capabilities solution.