Why is the CAPM exam changing?
Periodically PMI refreshes its exam eligibility requirements etc. in response to changes in best practices, and marketplace conditions. The 2019 CAPM exam changes will have a relatively minor impact for most applicants.
(PMI also updates its flagship publication, The Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide) every four years. But that last occurred at the end of 2018, so it won’t be changing again until around 2022.)
What is changing?
Application Requirements
Starting 28 August, the 1,500-hour work experience option for new CAPM applicants is being eliminated. Applicants will have to complete 23 hours of project management education prior to their exam, and have a secondary degree (high school diploma, associate’s degree or the global equivalent). (This always was the option most people used, but now it has become the only option.)
Question Types
A small percentage of questions on the exam will now be in two new formats:
- Matching questions: You will see two lists (e.g., project management processes and process groups) and be asked to match items from one list with items from the other.
- Multiple choice questions with multiple correct answers: Multiple choice questions with a single correct answer are already on the CAPM exam. This new question format will ask you to identify a specific number of correct answers. The instructions will tell you exactly how many answers you must select.
These question-related CAPM exam changes are scheduled to occur during “September 2019”.
What does this mean for CAPM exam candidates?
The change in question types will not impact what you need to learn. And most people already participate in at least 23 hours of education. So, for most people these changes will have a negligible impact.
If you have more questions about CAPM certification, check out this post, our CAPM training course, and/or the CAPM handbook from PMI.