Project Management for Nonprofits 2 comments

project management for nonprofitsThere are millions of nonprofits around the world, and these nonprofits initiate, plan, execute, and manage projects every day.  Now you can help your favorite charity manage its projects more efficiently and effectively with a free project management for nonprofits resource.


The Project Management Nonprofit Practicum is a twelve hour workshop-training program for nonprofit organizations, which includes an instructor manual with notes and templates. The workshop was developed by developed by Millersville’s Nonprofit Resource Network (NRN) with grant funding from the Project Management Institute Educational Foundation (PMIEF) and can be downloaded for no cost from the PMIEF website.


The PMIEF is a foundation committed to providing project management training for non-profits around the world. Through grants, programs, scholarships, and educational resources the PMI Educational Foundation brings the benefits and the power of project management to local communities and to the farthest reaches of the world for social good.


The mission of the PMI Educational Foundation, a charitable nonprofit organization, is to inspire and empower people to realize their potential and transform their lives and their communities through the use of project management knowledge. Our vision is that all people worldwide have a better tomorrow by applying project management skills in their daily lives.

PMIEF Mission and Vision

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2 thoughts on “Project Management for Nonprofits

  • Andrew Stitt

    Jenny, thanks so much for featuring this ! I work for PMIEF, and we really appreciate you spreading the word about the Nonprofit Practicum. If you have any feedback on it, or if you will use it or have used it to help your favorite charity, we’d love to hear from you!

    • Jenny Schweyer Post author

      Thanks for stopping by Andrew. I have not used the Practicum myself yet, but it seems like a really good concept. Maybe someone out there will post their feedback if/when they have a chance to use it.