This month we visited Legal Project Management. The blog’s owner and main writer is Paul C. Easton, Managing Director Global Colleague’s Asian division.
The blog is devoted to sharing information about project management, including relevant seminars and presentations, courses (both classroom and online), and books and publications. Easton’s stated goal is “that the opinions, tips, and links shared on this blog will help generate much-needed discussion on the role of project management in law firms, corporate legal departments, and the vendors who service them.”
The posts are largely informative in nature, although Easton does make editorial comments from time to time, sharing his own thoughts and opinions. When he does, his comments are generally brief but insightful. As an example, a recent posting discusses a survey regarding legal PM staff roles, in which he notes the survey’s omission of numbers of respondents, but nevertheless finds the results worth consideration. (Legal Project Management Staff Roles Survey, September 15, 2011.) appears to be a helpful tool for those who manage legal projects. Easton keeps abreast of the most current topics relating to project management, and has a good handle on the resources available in this field.