PMP: Procurement Management and More

pmp procurement managementI enjoyed going through the Key Consulting binder chapter about procurement management as I quickly gobbled down my lunch in the office on Wednesday and Friday.  It’s an area in which I’ve had a lot of experience, including my current responsibility for bidding out, selecting and contracting with my organization’s vendors.  Although procurement is one of my better skills, I realize my knowledge has been shaped by the kinds of purchasing I’ve done.  The information in the binder made me realize there are lots of other techniques and options available to project managers, depending on their industry and what services or goods they’re purchasing.


As I reflect on what I’ve learned through the Key Consulting course I took in August and reading Rita Mulcahy’s preparation book since then, I’m definitely going to be a better project manager going forward.  I have many more tools to utilize and a greater appreciation for the value of implementing all the project management processes.


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