Team development activities should take place throughout the project life cycle, but have greater advantages when conducted:
- Early in the project life cycle.
- In the storming stage of the team cycle.
- In the performing stage of the team.
- In the execution phase of the project.

A. Team development activities should take place throughout the project life cycle, but their greatest benefits come from being conducted early in the project life cycle.
Source of team development activities PMP Sample Question
Question data supplied by: 1000 Challenge PMP Questions
Author: Mohit Arora
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Answering sample questions is an important part of preparing for the Project Management Profession (PMP) exam. Did you answer this question correctly? If so, great, congratulations! If not, perhaps your understanding of team development activities is different from the Project Management Institute’s definition, in which case you might benefit from more time with your PMP preparation materials, or some PMP prep training. It’s not that your understanding is necessarily wrong, but you need to answer the exam questions from PMI’s perspective.
Team development activities are part of the Develop Project Team process in the Human Resource Management knowledge area of the PMBOK® Guide.